
EU-China Focus believes that a clear vision precedes effective decision-making.

EU-China Focus has developed its China vision based on a network of informants within China itself, a large network of Chinese dissidents outside China and expert sources of information not represented in the Western mainstream media. EU-China Focus is an NGO and not financially or otherwise influenced by the Chinese government or by organizations working indirectly with the Chinese government.

EU-China Focus believes that to truly understand China, one must understand the 5,000 years of Chinese civilization. EU-China Focus emphasizes the integrity of its China information and, based on its vision, is able to bring together and share the knowledge and insights of a range of China experts from around the world with policy makers.

Mission statement

Monitoring the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is key to staying ahead of its nature which is based on lies and deceit. Our world is moving very fast now and the EU no longer has the luxury to be distracted by anything at any time since the CCP will use it as a strategic opportunity. EU-China Focus would like to serve as a watchdog monitoring EU-China relations hoping to help our policy makers in preventing the CCP from accomplishing it’s long term goal which would ultimately undermine our sovereignty, our traditional norms and values as well as our basic liberties.

Areas of focus

China’s foreign policy

The foreign policy of the Chinese Communist Party was long guided by a doctrine that was summed up by Deng Xiaoping in 1990, as “hide your strength and bide your time”. However, in 2017, Xi Jinping indicated that he no longer pursues this low-profile policy, but “strives for world leadership”. The CCP’s long-term vision foresees that by 2049, when it will celebrate 100 years of Communist rule, China will have become the world’s most dominant global power, above the U.S., while promoting its ‘model’ around the world.

In order to reach this goal, the CCP doesn’t shun any dishonorable means. In fact it applies unrestricted warfare, which uses any possible means other than direct military confrontation to attack and weaken its enemies, such as destabilizing society, causing internal conflicts and chaos, infiltrating and ruining companies,  stealing intellectual property. The possibilities are endless. This unrestricted warfare forms a major component of China’s covert foreign policy.


Since its rise to power in 1949, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has applied unrestricted warfare as described under our area of focus ‘foreign policy’ to achieve its goal of becoming the world’s leading power.

While maintaining an environment of unrestricted warfare the CCP has managed to confuse the public opinion further by making the CCP equal to China. This propaganda tool has distorted the concept of China as a 5.000 year old nation, country and people while at the same time abetting the CCP’s long term goal of maintaining power.

An important area of focus for EU-China-FOCUS is to raise awareness on all the different methods that CCP utilizes to engage in this unrestricted warfare.


China has one of the world’s most ancient cultures which is estimated to be around 5.000 years. Traditional Chinese culture is rooted in moral and spiritual teachings such as Buddhist, Daoist and Confucian traditions, which have been the pillar of Chinese society since ancient times. While the Buddhist traditions emphasize being compassionate, the Daoist teachings revolve on being an honest person. In a later stage of China’s history Confucian taught the five virtues: benevolence (ren 仁), righteousness (yi 義), propriety (li 禮), wisdom (zhi 智), and trustworthiness (xin 信). These Chinese values have been the timeless virtues which characterize the fundamental nature of China as a country and civilization.

When the Chinese Communist Party came to power it sought to destroy the traditional cultures and replace these with communist doctrines. As a result, tens of millions of Chinese people died and the people who held traditional beliefs were stigmatized. In more recent times the CCP’s campaigns have led to continual moral depravity, and severe human rights violations, e.g. the persecution of Tibetans, Christians, Uyhgurs, as well as the state-sanctioned forced organ harvesting on the practitioners of Falun Gong, a traditional Chinese meditation discipline. EU-China-FOCUS strives to contribute to the revival of China’s traditional universal values.

Economic dominance

When Mao Zedong died in 1976, China was on the brink of economic collapse. Deng Xiaoping became the next leader and implemented his new policy of ‘reform and opening up to the West’. The political system didn’t change but its domestic and global economic system went through a huge transformation.

What followed was an almost exponential growth of the Chinese economy. Even though this Chinese economic miracle was glorified by the CCP as one of its own accomplishments, in reality its secret of success has two major reasons: First of all it was a result of the nature of the Chinese people themselves as being intelligent and very hard working. Secondly, a massive influx of Western Capital which not only made China’s economy grow at an unprecedented pace, it also shifted almost the entire Western supply chain to China making the rest of the world, including the EU, highly dependent on China’s economy.

The Covid-19 outbreak abruptly woke up the world from the misconception that China is merely a competing economic power doing business with the rest of the world without any further consequences. At the end of June 2020 China’s new security law was implemented in HongKong, showing the rest of the world how the CCP handels norms, values and binding international treaties when they no longer serve as beneficial to the CCP. EU-China-FOCUS presents such events as a warning to the rest of the world and exposes the true economic situation of China.






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