The EU-China relations watchdog

Image from WeChat: Fuzhou Police Station

Shocking news has caught global attention: 30 countries, including European countries, have been infiltrated by covert and illegal Chinese police stations. Investigations into this unauthorized presence have already begun in many countries. For some it may seem as ‘unreal’ at first, until they get to know the facts. For example is the below photo of Fuzhou Police Overseas Service Station’s team in the city of Barcelona. The stations are called 110 Overseas, named after China’s police emergency services phone number.

The good news is that reliable reports are emerging that give detailed analysis about this form of infiltration. One such report is the investigation ‘110 OVERSEAS – Chinese Transnational Policing Gone Wild’ by Safeguard Defenders which reports that police in China, in coordination with overseas association of Chinese, run by entities of the Chinese Communist Party, have established a series of overseas police “service stations”, in particular in Europe. While much of their work is to simply service Chinese residents, or tourists, evidence from the Chinese government itself now shows that they have been actively working with Chinese police to engage in covert and illegal policing operations.

Map of the 30 countries where Chinese police have established 54 known “110 Chinese overseas police stations.” (Courtesy of Safeguard Defenders)

The report states:

“These methods allow the CCP and their security organs to circumvent normal bilateral mechanisms of police and judicial cooperation, thereby severely undermining the international rule of law and territorial integrity of the third countries involved.”

The full article of the investigation including the report can be found on the website of Safeguard Defenders, please click here.

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